Jill Biden’s Comments About Trump Supporters Creates Stir

First Lady Jill Biden expressed shock on Monday night that a strong majority of Republicans 80 percent still support former President Donald Trump after his federal indictment.

Mrs. Biden was speaking to a group of highroller Democratic donors at the Upper East Side home of real estate tycoon Barry Ginsburg and his wife Merle in Manhattan. She described the upcoming 2024 presidential election as a stark choice between thestrong, steady leadership of Joe Biden and thechaos and corruption, hatred and division ofMAGA Republicans. But she professed confusion over why Trump maintained such high Republican support despite his indictment.

They dont care about the indictment. So thats a little shocking, I think, she said.We know whats in store with the MAGA Republicans. We just know it, right? We know because weve lived it. Weve seen it. We know what its like to see U.S. policy tweeted out in latenight tweetstorms.”

The First Lady then warned that Democrats must notgo back to those dark days of Trumps presidency, implying that Biden was the more reliable candidate. But many Americans disagree, citing the Biden administrations immigration crisis as evidence of their own chaotic and corrupt policies. Numerous reports show that Joe Biden and his son Hunter were involved in a range of potentially unethical and possibly illegal business deals in China, Ukraine, and elsewhere.

Nevertheless, Democratic consultants and pollsters believe that Americans see Mrs. Biden as someone they can relate to think your favorite teacher.

Everybody who meets this woman loves her, said Steve Westly, a Bay Area venture capitalist who helped raise large sums of money for Biden.She just exudes that.

Though Mrs. Biden is widely viewed as one of her husbands greatest assets, many question her motives; particularly her push for Joe to run for reelection after a strong majority of both Americans and Democrats want him to step aside.

This brings us back to the question of Mrs. Bidens genuine motivations. Is she really thesunniest, kindest person youll ever meet, as Westly says? Or is she too opportunistic to allow a bad situation namely her husbands failing mental and physical health the chance to make history as the first wife of a sitting president to run for office?

One thing is certain: whatever Jill Bidens motivations, her hands appear to be on the wheel and Americans should brace for more drama and upheaval in the months and years to come.


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