Biden Admin Keeps List Private

Since President Joe Biden took office over four years ago, the United States has seen an increase in dangerous situations compared to the previous administration. Among the concerns is the nation’s southern border, which has remained open, allowing millions of illegal immigrants to enter the country. This influx has raised safety concerns for American communities, as some of these individuals have been reported to be criminals.

According to recent data released by Customs and Border Protection (CBP), there has been a significant increase in the number of suspected terrorists who have entered the U.S. illegally during Biden’s time in office. In the first seven months of fiscal year 2024, 80 suspected terrorists were apprehended by Border Patrol agents. In comparison, there were only 11 apprehensions during former President Donald Trump’s term, from fiscal years 2017 to 2020.

The number of individuals on the terrorist watchlist who have been apprehended at the southern border has also seen a dramatic increase under Biden’s administration. From fiscal years 2021 to 2024, 367 individuals on the watchlist were intercepted by Border Patrol agents, raising safety concerns for Americans.

It is worth noting that these statistics do not include the estimated seven million illegal aliens who have crossed the border in less than four years. In September alone, there were over 269,735 illegal immigrant encounters at the southwest border, highlighting the severity of the issue.

In a recent Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request made by Fox News correspondent Bill Melugin, the Department of Homeland Security claimed that the “privacy interests” of illegal immigrants outweigh the public’s right to know. They argued that any personal interest in this information does not factor into their decision.

However, Melugin clarified that his request did not ask for any private information that could risk the safety of those illegally residing in the U.S.; rather, he only requested the nationalities of those arrested while on the terror watchlist.

Last month, House Homeland Security Committee Republicans demanded answers from the Biden Administration, questioning how known terrorists were released into the interior of the country. They cited several instances where individuals who were on the terror watchlist were found living among unsuspecting American citizens.

Another concerning trend noted by Republicans is the high number of Chinese nationals being apprehended at the southern border. In just one week, over 200 illegal Chinese immigrants were caught in San Diego. Since October, the number of Chinese nationals apprehended at the border has surpassed 20,000, with over 27,583 already being caught in the first few months of fiscal year 2023.

These numbers show a significant increase from the previous administration, where the number of Chinese immigrants apprehended at the border was in the single digits. Republicans have also accused the Biden Administration of failing to enforce immigration laws and providing false information to Congress and the American people about the security of the border.

As concerns over the safety of the American people continue to rise, it is crucial for the Biden Administration to address the issues at the southern border and take necessary measures to ensure national security. The increase in apprehensions of suspected terrorists and illegal immigrants from various nations at the border is a cause for concern and requires prompt action. As the situation develops, it is essential for transparency and communication with the public to provide a clear understanding of the current state of the nation’s border security.


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