California Governor Gavin Newsom Issues Cryptic Warning To Fellow Democrats

A recent Wednesday evening interview saw California Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom issue a very concerning warning to his fellow Democrats. He warned that they were in danger of severely losing ground for their messages as the nation heads into the midterm elections next week.

“We’re getting crushed on narrative,” expressed Newsom to CBS News’ Chief Washington Correspondent Major Garrett. “We’re going to have to do better in terms of getting on the offense and stop being on the damn defense.”

“I’m not paid to say that. I’m paid to say, ‘fate and feel.’ I mean, I get it,” Newsom went on. “Look, I mean I could be the cheerleader. I’m also pragmatic. You feel it.”

Newsom explained in an interview this past September that he was quite angry that Republicans currently own the “mantle of freedom” as he pushed Democrats to try and be more aggressive.

“We have to wake up to it,” stated Newsom. “We have to meet this moment head on, and damn it, the Democratic Party has to assert itself much more aggressively than we have.”

“These guys are ruthless on the other side,” he went on. “Where are we? Where are we organizing, bottom-up, a compelling alternative narrative? Where are we going on the offense every single day? They’re winning right now.”

Recently, Newsom issued a letter addressed to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland which attempted to claim that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis — who is a successful lawyer on top of his political career — allegedly took part in “kidnapping” by relocation groups of illegal immigrants in his state out to sanctuary cities.

Newsom made the claim, without having gathered or even looked for any evidence, that the migrants being relocated were sent with “the intent” to be “humiliate[d] and dehumanize[d].” However, an MSNBC report from the time explained that the relocated illegal immigrants were “not angry with Ron DeSantis” and that they are “actually thanking him for having brought them to Martha’s Vineyard.”

DeSantis answered to the statements in a press event, stating that the over-the-top amount of hair gel that Newsom uses must be “interfering with his brain function.”

“So, the governor of California sent a letter to the Department of Justice saying, ‘You need to prosecute Texas and Florida governors,’” expressed DeSantis.

“And all I can say is, I think his hair gel is interfering with his brain function,” stated DeSantis as the gathered officials and audience devolved into laughter and cheers.


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