Joe Biden Makes Off-Color Jokes About The Irish… While With The Irish PM

Old Uncle Joe made a number of very bad, off-color jokes at the expense of the Irish people while attending an event this past Friday in honor of St. Patrick’s Day.

While making an appearance at the annual Friends of Ireland Luncheon this past Friday afternoon alongside Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar, Biden uttered a series of bad jokes which ended up stereotyping the people of Ireland as criminals and drunks. Biden stated that because he does not drink at all and doesn’t have any family members in jail, he is “really not Irish.” Twitter users were quick on the draw to spotlight the insane level of stereotyping, and also that he, in fact, does a number of relatives currently battle legal troubles.

Biden kicked off his statement by making use of a quote normally attributed to Shane Leslie, a 20th-century Irish diplomat. “Every St. Patrick’s Day, every Irishman goes out to find another Irishman to make a speech to,” stated the President. “Well, that’s why I’m here.”

He then took time to tell a story about the time he spent in the role of vice president, when one previous prime minister, or Taoiseach, ordered former President Obama to refrain from sending Biden on any trips. “[T]he Taoiseach — I brought him into the Oval and he sat down. And before Barack could say anything, he said ‘For God’s sake, Barack, let the boy come home.’” exclaimed Biden in what most think was supposed to be an Irish accent. “‘Let him come home.’ And he said, ‘You keep sending him to places like Afghanistan, Iraq, and all the — let him come home.’”

After that, Biden spoke about a different previous trip out to Ireland to pay a visit to his ancestral family. “It was a great experience,” he stated. “I’d been to Ireland many times, but not to actually look up to find my actual family members — and there are so many.  And they actually weren’t in jail.”

“And one of the things that — and the Finnegans were from County Louth,” he stated about the members of his distant family line. “And they’re still — if you go to County Louth, there’s still a place called ‘Finnegan’s Pub,’ which is — it’s related to my family.  And I’m the only Irishman you’ve ever met, though, that’s never had a drink. So, I’m okay. I’m really not Irish.”

But wound up being put on blast by a number of different sources for the shameful display he put on by stereotyping the Irish, especially so in the comments of one tweet from the New York Post.

“We’ve found the one nationality it’s still acceptable to make fun of!” expressed one comment.

“guy did the first irish american hatecrime since like 1910,” exclaimed another.

“As an Irishman, I wouldn’t even *mind* this, and would think it kinda funny… If it didn’t come from a guy who’s continually lecturing me and everyone else how racist *WE* are…” expressed yet another.

The whole event was summed up quite well by Spectator editor-at-large Ben Domenech in a succinct post.

“Joe Biden is in fact less Irish than Paul Ryan and Kevin McCarthy,” he concluded. “Biden is an English name and his paternal lineage is overwhelmingly English.”


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