Shocking Public Statement Out Of Largest U.K. Teacher’s Union

This past weekend the largest teacher’s union out of the U.K. explained that schools over the nation should be welcoming drag queens and promoting more LGBT  events.

As part of a meeting from this past week of the National Education Union (NEU) held at Harrowgate, the teacerhs union carried out a vote which ended up being in favor of a plan to set up drag queen story hours  and many LGBT events throughout schools in order to fight against “heteronormative culture.”

“Initiatives like drag queen story time and inviting LGBT+ authors into schools can help challenge the heteronormative culture and curriculum that dominates education,” explained the motion in its document.

As expressed by NEU joint secretary general Mary Bousted, one main reason for this motion was to try and fight against the influence of online personalities such as Andrew Tate.

“The NEU is committed to sharing and disseminating teaching resources and strategies to help members support success and positive school experiences for all LGBT+ students, including trans and non-binary students,” she stated.

The motion had a vote carried out in the wake of a teacher accusing Prime Minister Rishi Sunak of “supporting the far-Right attacks on drag queen storytime” and “the murder of beautiful souls like Brianna [Ghey],” as reported by The Telegraph. Ghey, a teenager that was trans-identifying, was stabbed to death while in a park earlier this year.

The teacher later went on to apologize, explained a spokesperson for the union, stating further that she did not mean to express at the time that the prime minister had any part in a murder.

“She apologizes and withdraws the specific allegation that Rishi Sunak supported the murder of a young trans girl. Many trans and non-binary teachers feel strongly that the Government is not doing enough to support them but it is essential that we always debate policy solutions in calm and measured ways,” expressed the spokesman.

The teachers union’s wholesale acceptance and promotion of drag queen story hour has ended up drawing heavy criticism out of conservative organizations and members of parliament.

“It is highly concerning that the NEU is endorsing the exposure of young children to drag queens dressed and performing in a highly sexualized way in the supposed safety of the classroom. I can’t believe that most teachers or parents would support this and I would urge the NEU to revisit some basic safeguarding principles,” stated Miriam Cates, an MP for Stocksbridge and Penistone.

Tanya Carter, a spokeswoman for Safe School’s Alliance, stated that the union’s “persistence in abandoning established safeguarding the minute they are distracted by glitter and rainbows brings the entire teaching profession into disrepute.”



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