This past Tuesday, measures regarding limitless abortion were overwhelmingly passed out in both Vermont and California, seemingly paving the way to codify so-called reproductive rights for women into the constitutions for the states as of next year.
In the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade earlier this year, the power to officially codify abortion dropped back down into the hands of the states individually.
“The biggest battleground and the most significant war that’s taking place in this nation is the demonic murder of children in the womb, and California is leading the way,” explained Calvary Chapel Chino Hills Pastor Jack Hibbs in an interview with The Epoch Times.
As of writing, roughly 3.5 million voters from California stood in favor of Prop 1, which alters the states constitution to include that the state does not have the power to deny or meddle with a person’s so-called reproductive freedom and that everyone has the fundamental right to choose to use contraceptives and have an abortion.
Gavin Newsom, the Democratic Governor of the state who signed a total of 15 bill in relation to abortion this pat year while also setting aside $200 million within the state budget, handed over $3.4 million from his re-election campaign regarding the measure.
The author of this bill, Democratic Senate President Pro Tem Toni Atkins, expressed to The Los Angeles Times that California voters established a “loud, clear message to those who think they can control our bodies.”
“In California, we will not go backwards,” exclaimed Atkins.
Currently, State law lets women have access to abortion agains ttheir children at any point prior to the fetus being able to survive outside the womb or if the mother’s health is in any way in danger, while going further to define the term “perinatal” as “the period from the establishment of pregnancy to one month following delivery.”
The state Health and Safety Code for California expressed that babies born alive in the wake of a failed abortion should get the same care as any other infant of the same age, and the code also hold protections against fetal homicide.
Many pro-life news outlets and groups have made the arguement that the language of the measure would end up allowing illegal late-term abortions, possibly attract people from other states in which abortion has been limited or banned, and ultimately put a much heavier burdern on the average taxpayer in California.